Give Me The Ipad

This morning, on the way to drop Daniel off at school, something happened that made me reflect on my relationship with God.

Daniel was playing on the iPad in the car and wasn’t paying attention to some important things I was telling him. On top of that, I don’t like him using screens for too long while we’re driving. So I said, “Daniel, GIVE ME THE IPAD!” But he didn’t want to hand it over. I reached my hand back, expecting him to pass it to me, and instead, I felt him grab my hand and start kissing it 🤣. Of course, I was still waiting for the iPad—he never gave it to me.

In that moment, I realized something that I’ve often done to my Heavenly Father. He asks me for one thing, but I give Him something else. I’ve done this countless times with my worship! I’ve literally kissed God’s hand when He was asking me for something entirely different. He asked me for excellence in my work, but I gave Him worship. He asked me to honor my parents, but I gave Him worship. He asked me to be responsible with my studies, but I gave Him worship.

Don’t get me wrong—I love my son’s affectionate gestures, but what I wanted was the iPad, not kisses on my hand.

Maybe for someone reading this, “handing over the iPad” means trusting Him in the middle of a crisis. Maybe it means letting go of a relationship that isn’t good for you. Or confessing a hidden sin. Or breaking a bad habit. Or forgiving someone. What is God asking of you? Sure, He loves your worship, but He loves your obedience even more. That’s how we parents are!